The notorious Kiboko squad has ably been replaced by Boda Boda 2010, a vigilante-cum-militia outfit, whose members attacked a busload of school children last month.
Now the shocker is that the deputy Inspector General of Police, Edward Ochom cannot comment on the activities of Abdallah Kitatta, the head of Boda Boda 2010 for fear of the unknown.
They are a tough lot, seemingly untouchable and apparently licensed to terrorise anyone considered anti-government.
Ochom says he is less qualified to comment on the allegations leveled against Kitatta.
Participants attending a dialogue organised by the Public Interest Law Clinic – PILAC under a theme; “The search for Democratic and Accountable Police Service in Uganda: Milestones and Challenges since Independence” at St. Francis Students Centre at Makerere University in Kampala on Friday, tasked Ochom to explain the circumstances under which, Kitatta works with police to commit crime and walk scot-free.
The participants also tasked Ochom to explain where Kitata derives powers to order around Police officers and the emerging criminal gangs collaborating with police; “I think on that issue I can say I am not competent enough to answer,” said Ochom.
The response from the Deputy IGP triggered more questions among the participants with some questioning whether they can still trust the police force.