After five months in jail over his alleged involvement in the murder of former police spokesperson Andrew Felix Kaweesi, the Kamwege Mayor Godfrey Byamukama whose torture by Uganda Police was widely publicized has spoken out on being released.
A month after Mr. Byamukama was arrested, leaked images of his sceptic wounds at Nakasero Hospital, where police were treating him, emerged on social media prompting an investigation by Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC).
Speaking after his release from Nalufenya Police detention center on police bond, Byamukama said after the torture inflicted on him he became too thin that the police got so worried he would die. “Time came when I lost so much weight that everyone feared for my life,” he said on Saturday.
As part of the rehabilitation effort, the police put me on a pork-heavy diet to ensure that I gain weight quickly; I have been eating that for a very long time prior to my release,” Byamukama revealed.