Businessman Sudhir Ruparelia has successfully blocked law firm Sebalu, Lule and Company Advocates from representing DFCU Bank in the court case he filed against the bank for refusing to pay rent fees now amounting to Shs2.9 billion for premises formally owned by Crane Bank.
In the ruling read to court Monday morning, Justice Paul Gadenya Wolimbwa has concurred with Sudhir Ruparelia that the law firm Sebalu Lule and advocates that was contracted by DFCU Bank has privileged information which can be used to his disadvantage in the court case.
Justice Gadenya has based his decision on the evidence tabled before court by Sudhir’s lawyer Joseph Kyazze showing that Sebalu Lule and advocates was in 2016 contracted by Sudhir’s real estate company; Crane Management services to draw and review tenancy agreements for the many premises formally occupied by Crane Bank.
Basing on this unchallenged evidence; the judge has issued an injunction restraining Sebalu, Lule and company advocates from representing DFCU Bank in court against Crane Management services where the contentious tenancy agreements are the subject in issue.
The firm and DFCU Bank have also been ordered to pay costs to Crane Management services Ltd for this application.
The application arises from a suit filed by Crane Management services before the Commercial court contending that when DFCU took over management of Crane Bank, it illegally took possession of the rental facilities from which it seeks to recover rent arrears and damages.
This is the second time Court restrains a law firm from representing another bank against Sudhir Ruparellia in court.
Last year court restrained law firms A.F.K Mpanga and MMAKS advocates from representing Bank of Uganda against Sudhir Ruparelia.