The trial of the Abdullah Kitata the leader of the notorious criminal gang Boda Boda 2010 and others has kicked off before the General Court Martial in Makindye.
Witness number one is an operative with CMI Pvt. Richard Kasaija who recounted events of 19th Janruary 2018 when he was instructed by Capt. James Agaba the Director of Operations in Counter-terrorism to go to Busega round -about and arrest suspects in the murder of a one Francis Ekalungar an accountant with Case Clinic.Ekalugar was kidnapped on January 2, 2018 near the ministry of Health headquarters as he drove to DFCU bank in Wandegeya to deposit Case Clinic’s money. His body was found burnt beyond recognition in Kajansi in Wakiso district leading to investigations that led to the accused.
Mr. Abdalla Kitatta cried in court as state presented a gold coated pistol, as one of the exhibits he possessed when he was arrested.
Kitata separately faces five counts of being in unlawful possession of an SMG gun, 3 pistols and 50 rounds of live ammunitions that prosecution states were found on him on 21st January 2018 at Vine Hotel in Wakaliga.
Kitata and co-accused have been in jail at CMI headqauters Mbuya and Kigo gvt prison since their arrest on the 21st/January 2018.
Section 119 of the UPDF Act provides that every person found in unlawful possession of arms, ammunition or equipment ordinarily being the monopoly of the defense forces become subject to military law.
The failure to protect war materials attract a maximum sentence of death while that of being in possession of military stores attracts a life sentence.