The First lady Janet Museveni has vowed to take harsh action against any school teacher involved in child sexual abuse.
Janet Museveni made a commitment as Minister of education that headteacher guilty of child sexual abuse will be sacked.
She was speaking at an event at Parliament where young girls who have been victims of defilement and early marriages presented a petition to the Speaker Rebecca Kadaga.
Janet Museveni also warned parents and guardians not to abandon their roles in the battle against child sexual abuse.
She noted that government and NGOs cannot fill roles that can only be executed by the family, in protecting young girls against sexual abuse and exploitation.
She notes that there is need to mobilize communities to recognize these roles that they have abdicated and left to government. She cited as an example her campaign against sending hungry children to school.
Speaker Kadaga decried the rampant cases of defilement by guardians and teachers.
Kadaga appealed to the First Lady for more action to be taken against such perpetrators.