Today is the last day of the registration exercise for the distribution of Treated Mosquito Nets, the Ministry of health spokesperson Vivian Sserwanja (pictured above) has revealed.
Registration of households in Kampala District started on Saturday 13th and will end today (Tuesday 16th January 2018) to be followed by distribution in February 2018.
Ms. Sserwanja told TheUgandan in a short interview: “Kindly cooperate with our officials because Kampala and Wakiso will be the last point of distribution to wrap a year-long campaign against Malaria.”
“Our officials are committed to registering all members of your household to ensure you receive a free Mosquito Net to chase Malaria out of Uganda,” she added.
At least 1.5 Million treated Mosquito nets are expected to be distributed to city residents.
The campaign has so far achieved over 95% coverage, with a total of 23,743,822 bed nets distributed, protecting a total of 44,713,517 persons in 109 Districts countrywide.
This campaign is premised on the background that large-scale LLIN distributions are a key component of the national malaria prevention initiative and are highly effective, user-friendly and low-cost intervention to protect communities against malaria. In populations with mosquito nets, Insecticide Treated Nets have been shown to reduce all-cause child mortality by about 20%, decrease clinical cases of malaria by about 50%, and severe malaria by 45%.
Under this campaign, the Government of Uganda is distributing over 25 million nets country wide and one net is given per every two people in a household.