The Minister for Kampala, Beti Kamya has asked members of parliament to reward her for extra-ordinary work as she chased away vendors from park yard market.
Although she was shy to read the part in which she was asking for the reward, a steadfast MP for Kasilo county Elijah Okupa was quick to bring the reward matter to the attention of the House.
Ms Kamya, while presenting a ministerial statement in Parliament on Wednesday skipped the part where she had stated that parliament should reward because of facing the brave vendors and paving way for the re-development of Park Yard Market and Nakivubo Stadium which has left thousands of vendors in tears.
Ms Kamya had stated that her work: “is a resounding mission for which Parliament deserves to give me a handshake,” the minister noted.
This prompted the Speaker of Parliament to intervene, asking Ms Kamya to clarify.
“…are you actually asking for a golden handshake?” asked Ms Kadaga.
Ms Kamya smiled sheepishly and confirmed, saying: “It is a choice of Parliament to reward.”
Ms Kamya’s request for a handshake comes at the back heels of a Shs6billion “presidential handshake” given to government officials who won two separate oil cases in the UK.
Currently the Abdu Kantu head The Parliamentary Committee on Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (COSASE) is investigating the manner in which the oil cash was dished out.
Today, Ms Allen Kagina and her friend Jennifer Musisi are expected to face the committee for quizzing.