There are myths surrounding marijuana, a preparation of the cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug or medicine.
Some of the people believe that cannabis causes the following:
1. Memory Loss
Myth: Using cannabis causes memory loss and a generally reduces logic and intelligence
Fact: Laboratory tests have shown that cannabis diminishes the short term memory – but only when a person is intoxicated with it.
A person who has taken cannabis, according to ListVerse, will be able to remember things learned before they took, but may have trouble learning new information during intoxication.
There is no scientific evidence whatsoever to suggest that this can become a long-term or permanent problem when sober.
2. Brain-dead
Myth: Cannabis kills brain cells
Fact: Cannabis does not cause any profound changes in a person’s mental ability. After taking the drug however, some people can experience panic, paranoia, and fright, these effects pass and certainly don’t become permanent.
3. Gateway to other drugs
Myth: Cannabis leads to abuse of more potent drugs
Fact: For most people, cannabis is a terminus drug, not a gateway drug.
When comparing the number of cannabis users with hard-drug users, the numbers are extremely small – suggesting that there is no link at all.
4. Lung damage
Myth: Cannabis damages the lungs more than cigarettes
Fact: Firstly, people who smoke cannabis but not cigarettes tend to smoke far less frequently – as a result limiting their exposure to the dangers in the smoke.
There has been some evidence that marijuana smoke does not have the same effect on the bronchial tubes as cigarette smoke, so even heavy use may not lead to emphysema.
5. Cannabis and Addiction
Myth: Cannabis is highly addictive
Fact: Less than 1 per cent of Americans smoke cannabis more than once per day. There is basically nothing in cannabis which causes physical dependence.
The most likely explanation for those who need assistance is that, they are having difficulty breaking the habit – not the “addiction”.
The drug is illegal in Uganda.